
I am clearly too old

The more I look around the equestrian world, the more I realize that I am just too old to join in. So many influencers out there paint a picture of the past, of “traditional methods”, that does not resemble the horse world I grew up in. I see things celebrated […]

Whose voice matters most?

There is a battle currently raging between those who want to see change in horse sport and those within horse sport who are feeling attacked. But there is one important voice missing in these exchanges – the voice of the horse. At the heart of these arguments is actually one […]

They Said …

They said she was being so stubbornBut I saw the fear in her eyes They said she was just disobedientYet I knew that she was in pain She told me the horse was just uselessWhile I soothed the welts in his hide They told me that he could not feel […]