Horse thoughts

I am clearly too old

The more I look around the equestrian world, the more I realize that I am just too old to join in. So many influencers out there paint a picture of the past, of “traditional methods”, that does not resemble the horse world I grew up in. I see things celebrated […]

Whose voice matters most?

There is a battle currently raging between those who want to see change in horse sport and those within horse sport who are feeling attacked. But there is one important voice missing in these exchanges – the voice of the horse. At the heart of these arguments is actually one […]

Spotlight on Rich Strike

The amazing conditions under which Rich Strike became the Kentucky Derby winner seems to have been eclipsed by the incident that followed the race. I have been amazed at how divisive the incident has become among horse people. I have also been cheered by how outraged much of the public […]

Leadership Lessons from Horses

I recently made a major life change – I retired from the organization where I’ve been employed for nearly twenty-five years. Of course my final week saw the requisite retirement party, with the twist of having it over Zoom due to the pandemic. I am not one to like that […]

Past Is Not Perfect

Hang around a Classical riding group for any amount of time and you will learn two things: horsemen of the past were all knowing, and horsemen of today are an abomination to classical riding principles. An exaggeration, perhaps, yet close to what many experience when joining those groups. But is […]

The Horse Comes First!

A video recently popped up in my timeline of a lovely horse being ridden roughly around a substantial jump course. My heart went out to the good fellow, who consistently jumped, in spite of his mouth being yanked most of the way, and the rider bouncing on his back most […]