horse training

I am clearly too old

The more I look around the equestrian world, the more I realize that I am just too old to join in. So many influencers out there paint a picture of the past, of “traditional methods”, that does not resemble the horse world I grew up in. I see things celebrated […]

Whose voice matters most?

There is a battle currently raging between those who want to see change in horse sport and those within horse sport who are feeling attacked. But there is one important voice missing in these exchanges – the voice of the horse. At the heart of these arguments is actually one […]

Spotlight on Rich Strike

The amazing conditions under which Rich Strike became the Kentucky Derby winner seems to have been eclipsed by the incident that followed the race. I have been amazed at how divisive the incident has become among horse people. I have also been cheered by how outraged much of the public […]

Think Less, Feel More

If there is one trend that I see reflected in social media, it’s that too many people think too hard about working with horses. Whether it is the positive reinforcement folks who obsess over every aspect of a horse’s life that might be experienced as an aversive or the Dressage […]

Review: Ridden

This book spent a few years on my wish list on Amazon. I was intrigued by it, but I was shy of spending money on modern works about Dressage. I had already purchased a couple that I found wanting. Still, the approach this book claimed to take was intriguing, so […]

Heads or Tails

When I recently reviewed a study on how well owners recognized negative emotions in horses, I was pleased to see that most actually did – at least in some equine activities. However, back on Facebook, I find that so many really don’t recognize those negative signs – even when they […]

Review: The Rider Forms the Horse

There are many who seek modern answers to questions that horsemen have been pondering for decades, if not centuries. There are those aspects that we have not fully understood until science had the tools to begin to explore them. Neuroscience is such an area, and a modern book like Horse […]